Saturday, April 6th, 2024, 11am - 4pm ET
Sunday, April 7th, 2024, 11am - 4pm ET
This workshop is LIVE on Zoom. We'll provide access links prior to the event. You'll also get lifetime access to workshop recordings and materials after the event.
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Note: Scholarships are available for this event. Please click here for details.
- Receive a map and methods for moving through the 5 levels of mind — so all experience is welcome from your wise heart-mind
- Unburden the judgmental and shame-based parts of you that try to convince you that you are not worthy of your birthright of love and awakening
- Taste awake presence immediately through “small glimpses” and shifts of awareness
- Move from a thought-based separate self to your loving awake Self
- Learn how your awake Self allows you to be compassionate with parts of you that are hurt or protective
- Move beyond the traps of being too mindfully detached or too energetically enmeshed
- Realize that your ground of Self is supportive, creative, and related
- Return and remain at home in the Heart mind, welcoming and healing parts of your Self
- Realize the innate unchanging ground of wholeness is already within you
"Awakening is moving your inner center of gravity from your protective parts to your magnificent essence. Loch’s wonderful book not only makes you realize that such a shift is possible, but provides exercises to help make it happen."
"Loch Kelly is one of the clearest expressions of authentic, awakened freedom and love that I know."
"Many assume that genuine spiritual realization is either out of reach—“I’m too wounded…life’s too stressful”—or way down the road. Shift into Freedom is one of those rare and invaluable books that awakens trust in what is possible in this very life, right now. With wisdom, clarity and care, Loch Kelly offers teachings and practices that directly evolve consciousness and liberate the heart."